Written by MARC GUGGENHEIM, STUART & KATHRYN IMMONEN, M. ZACHARY SHERMAN & RICH KOSLOWSKI Penciled by DAVE WILKINS, STUART IMMONEN, KHOI PHAM Cover by STUART IMMONEN Hellcat leaps into action coming face-to-face with her darkest nightmare-herself!?! And if one man could single-handedly take down a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, it's-Taskmaster! Meanwhile, the mystery deepens, as we learn more about a secret team, dedicated to the ideals of Captain America...in a manner of speaking. And if that weren't enough-who is-what is-Weapon Omega? Find the answer in the second issue of Marvel's all-new, cutting-edge anthology! PRODUCT UPDATE (080807): Stuart Immonen will serve as the artist, not the writer, of Marvel Comics Presents #2.
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