KULL (2008) #2

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KULL #2 - Kings Comics

KULL (2008) #2



KULL #2 (of 6) Arvid Nelson (W), Will Conrad (P), Jos? Villarrubia (C), and Andy Brase (Cover) On sale Dec 3 FC, 32 pages $2.99 Miniseries Before the blood from his last battle has a chance to soak into Valusian soil, Kull faces new threats to his throne. As representatives from all corners of his kingdom seek his counsel, the new warrior-king accepts a strange invitation from a hotheaded Pict emissary. Kull will need to discard ancient prejudices and find allies in former foes if he's to save the newly united Valusian empire from a clandestine enemy that once threatened to enslave and exterminate mankind! With critically acclaimed writer Arvid Nelson (Rex Mundi, Joker's Asylum) fan-favorite artist Will Conrad (Conan, Serenity), and coloring maestro Jos? Villarrubia (Conan the Cimmerian) at the helm, Kull is a welcome addition to Dark Horse's Robert E. Howard comic book line-and one of the smartest new adventure series of 2008! Praise for Arvid Nelson: 'Truly original ideas are worth their weight in gold, but a truly original idea executed with as much intelligence and obvious passion as Rex Mundi is priceless. A top-of-the-stack comic, month after month.' -Brian K. Vaughn 'Nelson compellingly stretches the medium.' -- Entertainment Weekly Kull 2008 Kull Productions Inc. ('KPI'). KULL, KULL OF ATLANTIS, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of KPI. All rights reserved.

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