Title: Archlord Creator: Jin-Hwan Park Volume 6: 978-1-4278-1167-7 Price: $ $ 9.99 (Canada) $ 10.99 Format: Manga, 192 pgs. Volume Number: 6 of 6 Dimensions: 5 x 7.4375 ' Genre: Fantasy Rating: T (Teen Age 13+) Rated T for: Moderate Violence Product Synopsis: Cyripus takes over Ernan's body. And as soon as Cyripus awakes, he kills Ewan, coming to face to face with Gracia. Gracia tells Cyripus that she had to summon him back to life to get rid of him once and for all. Then Cyripus tells Gracia that he had planted magical seeds in numerous human beings, and they will now become trusty servants of Cyripus. All he needs to do now is collect all the archons in order to gain ultimate power! Sell Sheet Keynote: Heroic action fantasy chock full of swords and sorcery Key Selling Points: Part of TOKYOPOP's 'Choose Your Weapon' Winter '07 campaign focusing on action-oriented series targeting teen boys-promo includes national print and internet campaign, and free manga previews, giveaways, and contests; includes Utopia's Avenger (vol. 1 1-59816-670-0), Phantom (vol. 1 1-59816-770-7 ), Archlord (vol. 1 1-59816-967-X), Gyakushu(vol. 1 1-59816-969-6), and leads up to the release of Warcraft vol. 3 ( 1-59532-714-2) An original adaptation of the Archlord MMORPG in the vein of Warcraft and Ragnarok, succesful manga series for TOKYOPOP The game is supported by a community-based website similar to the Warcraft website: www.archlordgame.com 'The artwork is terrific, the plot stuffed with classic RPG elements.' -Pittsburgh Tribune
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